Who can benefit from Therapy

There are a wide variety of reasons to start psychotherapy. Some common reasons to seek therapy are:

Experiencing a life crisis, either with health, emotional, relationship or finances

Suffering trauma, either shock trauma (one life event) or developmental trauma (growing up in a traumatic environment)

Having a mental health complication such asĀ depression or anxiety

Having low self-esteem, shyness, feeling isolated or being unable to relate to others in a healthy way

Problems with addiction

Poor self-image

Wanting to modify negative behaviours

Wanting healthier relationships

Wanting to be happier

Seeking for personal growth, self-discovery and self-expression

Wanting to re-discover art in a focused and supportive environment

There are many other reasons to want to start a therapy

If you would like to try an Therapy session to see if it works for you, I offer trial sessions at a discounted price. Find out more information in the Rates page.